
Pursuant to ARS 15-1636, ad valorem real property taxes are abated for certain “Qualified Uses” constructed on land leased at the ASU Research Park.
Qualified Uses are defined in the statue and summarized as follows:
- Regional or national headquarters of the lessee or its subsidiaries that are engaged in research or development or education activities.
- Laboratories, offices and other facilities for testing, consulting, and information processing related to research and development.
- Education and training facilities.
- Production, assembly or sale of products pursuant to research and development activities.
- Pilot plants in which processes planned for use in production elsewhere can be tested and assembled.
- Operations required to maintain or support any permitted use, including maintenance shops, power plants, waste water treatment facilities, the keeping of animals, machine shops, common area improvements and facilities, and professional and commercial services supporting permitted uses, such as child development centers, food services and post office and mailing centers.
This summary is based on the language found in ARS 15-2636. ASU Research Park, Inc. its agents and affiliates make no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever regarding the accuracy of the information provided herein or the availability of the tax abatement for tenants at ASURP. Individuals in receipt of this summary are encouraged to seek competent legal and accounting counsel as to the accuracy of the information and its impact on any proposed tenancy at ASURP. ASURP Management is available to answer further inquiries on request.